Our story

I'm Mark, a proud husband and father of two children in Melbourne. Creative Cubby Houses was born when my younger sister brought back a cardboard Play Kitchen from a trip to Korea which she gave to my children as a Christmas present in 2020.

Designed and made in Korea, we hadn't seen anything like it before in Australia and I loved that it encouraged the kids' imaginative play, to be creative by colouring it in, and was made from recycled cardboard that can be recycled again at the end of its life (I had held off buying a dolls house or play kitchen given the number of discarded plastic and wooden ones I saw being thrown out across Melbourne in hard-rubbish). 

The Play Kitchen was easily the favourite toy among far too many on Christmas Day and continues to be a go-to toy for both my son and daughter as well as their friends when they're over. During lockdowns it's been a life-saver!

I'm proud to be the exclusive Australian distributor of these creative and innovative Anbox products operating on behalf of Toys& and hope you and your family get as much enjoyment out of them as our family does. We are a small family business so want to thank you for supporting local.